Satsuki Azalea Workshop

Saturday, June 11 2016

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $225

CLICK HERE to Register

These Satsuki azalea var. Chinzan have bases that are 4″ to 7″ wide with pink flowers.

Although the trees in the photograph are in nursery containers, we will have them already repotted into bonsai containers in late winter. This class is timed after flowering and we will start the day by dead heading the trees.

The class will focus on taking raw stock and the why/how to decide on approach to move forward.

This is the perfect time to prune back to two leaves/two branches and eliminate any unwanted branches to achieve a first styling and direction for your trees.

Only students that have attended our beginner class or more experience should apply. Students need to bring their own tools and wire, or purchase what is needed during workshop.
